Blog Archives


What’s more memorable – the last gadget you bought, or the last trip you took with your friends? We crave experience, not things. At LGH we look for opportunities to transform content and meaning into tangible experience, turning message into memory… a lived understanding is not easily forgot.


To reach for something previously thought unreachable. To strive, to encourage, to create a belief in oneself. Sometimes a message, a project, an initiative has bigger ambitions than just providing products or services. Sometimes the goal is simply to see your customer achieve.


Sometimes your message is more than just educating the audience. More than merely informing, you want to incite change. At LGH we assist you in turning intention into action. Your message becomes something people want to be a part of, something they can aspire to.


All content is potentially global, your marketing and strategy should take this into consideration. However, it takes more than just online exposure to truly capture the attention of a global customer base. LGH maintains worldwide business relations and industry connections to provide access to the international marketplace.


Building a unique community that rallies around a message is about creating your own band of disciples. It’s a rare combination of vision and passion; gathering the few who spread the word to the many. At LGH we understand how to create a tribe where your seekers become your biggest brand advocates.


Marketing’s inherent goal is to create or change a previously held set of beliefs. To be truly persuasive, you have to know everything about your audience, build trust with them, understand them, communicate with them. At LGH we know you don’t need to push when you can persuade.